Day 7: Build Up

THE players and staff started the build up to game 2 this morning with two sessions – one in the morning then another in the evening, writes Mike Rush, Head of Youth.

As a way of continuing the active rest we also took in the Olympic Pool and spent a couple of hours both training in the main pool and messing about on the indoor slides.

The weather has been very kind to the group so far so the kids and staff enjoyed their couple of hours away from the sun.

On the swimming front Tommy Martyn and his team of merry men won the front crawl relay with a big helping hand from Adam Hesketh; Adam later admitting he swam to a very high level up until the age of 14.

The group spent time outside the main stadium before the pool session and looked at the various records and winners from the 2000 Olympics’ which when up close are incredible, I think the most impressive is the distance marked out for the winning triple jump by Jonathan Edwards.

This said Trigger (Lewis Galbraith), with some confidence for a kid from sunny Oldham, thought he could do just as well given the chance.

All though it kills me to admit this it was my turn to drop the comment of the day today.

While filling up the juice container (one of my many jobs while the rest of the staff catch the sun) I called out to one of the players to turn the tap to cold.

Only to realise there is only a cold tap and the reason for the warm water was the hose pipe had been in the sun all day and therefore warm……

I have thought long and hard who I could blame this on but in the end Killer (Neil Kilshaw), Dec Hardman and co get enough stick so I thought I better own up to this myself.

It just goes to show when working hard at times the brain just switches off for a rest every now and again.

On a positive note we managed to get Tommy Martyn and his partner in crime Dec Hardman in the kitchen today… bad news it was only to make themselves a brew, never mind we will keep trying.

Tommy did actually make breakfast this morning with this group only to call on the help of Dec to help rescue the porridge before it stuck to the bottom of the pan.

Just goes to show you can teach OLD dogs new tricks after all.



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