New Tees In Store!

We catch up with Merchandising Manager Steve Law to get the very latest from the Club’s retail hub:

Cotton Shirt Exchange
The re-manufactured Cotton Home shirts are now in stock and we advise any customer who currently has one of the original shirts, whether the colour has run or not, to return it to the store for exchange asap.

We will keep the shirts off sale for the rest of the week until Monday April 7 2014, and then put all remaining stock on open sale after that.

Go Green, Lime Green
We now have stock of a limited edition range of ISC trainingwear in Carbon Grey with Lime Green trim. This has already proved very popular in store and online, and as stock is limited, we would advise you to get you orders in early to avoid disappointment. See the range here.

Good Friday/Easter Opening Times
As we prepare for the Big Derby with Wigan on Good Friday, and the Easter weekend, please be advised that the store will open as follows:

  • Good Friday April 18 2014: Open 10.00am until kick off at 12.15pm, then open after the match until 4pm.
  • Easter Saturday April 19 2014: Open 10am – 4pm
  • Easter Sunday April 20 2014: Closed
  • Easter Monday April 21 2014: Closed

Book Launch April 12 2014
We are delighted to be hosting the book launch of Stan Wall’s Autobiography Stan the Man – The Life Story of Stan Wall

The event will take place on Saturday April 12 2014 in Saints Superstore at Langtree Park. Stan will be on hand to sign copies of the book which documents his life as a Miner, Rugby League Referee, Assistant Coach and now kitman to St.Helens, Great Britain and England Rugby League. It promises to be a great read for all Rugby league enthusiasts.

Limited Edition Player T-Shirts
Following the success of the first batch of player t-shirts we have received some additional designs featuring Jonny Lomax and Tommy Makinson.

Priced at £14.99 or two for £25.

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