THE lads awoke up a bit sore and delighted to have gone four games undefeated which as you will agree is a fantastic achievement, writes Mike Rush.
As a special treat the lads and staff got the opportunity to undertake white water rafting once again with the surplus money and once again to a man we all enjoyed the experience.
I must however admit the guides on the course need to understand rafting as we spent more time out of the boat than in it.
Following a shopping trip round the rocks while I looked for the good lady wife (Kirsty), the kids Lizzy and Alanah and the rest of the extended family… the famous UGG boots… the gang headed off to undertake the Bridge Climb.
The climb is always the highlight of the trip and again all concerned loved the experience and some even went to describe it as the best thing they had ever done.
A special mention needs to go Nathan Stupski and Matt Wood who overcame their fear of heights to undertake the activity.
Just to go to show the parents are as good as the kids for common sense here’s one from Alex Clare’s mum (Kim Clare):
Derek Traynor asked: “Did you enjoy the whale watching?”
Kim replies: “It wasn’t very good,”
Derek then asked: “Where did you go to watch them?” (meaning off Manly or Bondi etc)
Kim replies: “The Ocean”
I want to take this opportunity to thanks all the players for their effort, attitude and commitment to the trip and congratulate them all on unbeaten trip.
I would also like to thank the volunteers who give up their time to make this trip happen and their hard work in raising £100,000.
Many thanks, Derek, Paul, Leo, Killer, Mully, Eric F, Eric C, Tommy, Dec H, Neil, and the Physio Andy, also a thanks to those at home who have also helped along the way, Ian Talbot, Gordon Pennington (Saints Foundation), Glynn Walsh, Ross Mitchell, Mick Oxley, Ian Lomax, Geoff Cropper and all the sponsors who have helped over the past two years.
I hope you have enjoyed the small notes back from Aussie and we look forward to catching up with all are loved ones on our return.
Over and Out…
James Tiley, Coaches Player of Tour.
Adam Swift – Best Back
Players Player – Dom Speakman
Greg Richards – Best Forward.