SAINTS are pioneers in a new marketing campaign from the Rugby League World Cup 2013.

Named ‘World Cup Wednesdays‘ the idea originated from the media department at the club.

It is designed to raise awareness of the tournament and drive fans to get involved in the showpiece.

And as a result Saints were naturally the first club to host #WCW on their website and social media platforms.

“We chose Saints to be the first venue to host our first World Cup Wednesday as they fully understand how RLWC2013 will change the future of Rugby League,” Chloe Bennett from RLWC2013 said. “They have shown willingness as a team to work with us and this awareness campaign was actually created off the back of an idea generated from the club.

“It’s a pleasure to have this support and to be able to find ways in which we can work together whilst ensuring we are not hindering the club’s own commercial activity.”

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