SCDF Announce New Ambassador

Saints Community Development Foundation are pleased to announce Billy Dillon as the Foundation’s Community Clubs Ambassador.

Steve Leonard, Foundation Director mentioned “This is a fantastic appointment for both the Community RL fraternity and the Foundation. Billy understands the Community game and has been at the heart of it for a long time. His role will be to liaise with the Community clubs and find out how we can work together to enhance the already tight bond between the clubs”.

“We have a Community that all the others are already envious of, each club works with others for the good of our sport in our own community. I am sure that everyone in the Community game will join us in wishing Billy the best and will be looking forward to working with him in the coming weeks”.

Billy Dillon went on to say “I am extremely delighted & privileged to take on the role of St Helens RLFC Community Club Ambassador. I have been involved in Community Rugby League for almost 40 years both as a player (That’s a long time ago) and at committee level with Pilkington Recs before retiring this season”.

“I have also been lucky enough to have held various positions with the different Community Games Committees’ St Helens District League, North West Men’s League, and still hold a position on the NCL Management Committee as Division one clubs representative”.

“ I am confident that with the experience I have gained over the years, I will be able to bring something to the position of the St Helens Clubs Ambassador Role and at the same time pick up additional knowledge from our very experienced, well Respected and administered St Helens Community Clubs”.

“I look forward to working alongside everyone involved and can assure everyone that this position will receive the full commitment from me that I have put into every other role that I have undertaken within our sport”.

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