Women’s Wellness 10 Week Programme Successful

Our 10 week women's wellness programme has previously been a success with a variety of women seeing benefits from the sessions.

Emma Rouski, the In League With Women Lead mentioned:

“We have seen huge benefits from the progrmame! I hoped it would go well but the 10 weeks went far better than expected, typically when you come to a weight management course there’s quite a lot of pressure to lose weight from day one, we wanted to steer away from that and ensure the ladies look at different aspects such as lifestyle, mental health and how they can make little improvements in their life and diet and in return see big changes!”

“One of the ladies in the group has lost 9 pounds in weight, lost two inches off of her waist and has had her anti-depressants cut in half which has made us all incredibly proud of her, we couldn’t of asked for a better result from that.” 

Sam aged 26 mentioned:

“This is how important the last 10 weeks have been for me. After having all the tools but no direction to go in, your course really put into perspective what really was important for health and well-being! I enjoyed the routine, the work outs and most importantly the group. You encouraged us all to better our attitudes and do it for us. I sleep better, snack less and feel far more optimistic  about slimming down. That support was needed more than any weight loss aid. I really can’t express how grateful I feel to finally be kind to myself and permit myself to use all the information at my own pace. Your a credit to “in league with woman”, thank you for creating a well-structured course that has sent us all on a better path.”

An attendee from our women’s wellness sessions also commented:

“As someone aged over 65 with various ailments incuding arthritis, hypo-thyroid, high blood pressure, diabetes and on numerous medications, this course has been a really positive experience. I had long-covid and did not think I would ever get back to exercising; the physical challenges have really made a difference, but so has the education around food, nutrition and mindfulness.”

“Emma has been a great facilitator and role model. I will be sad when the course ends.”

Michele. aged 43 added:

“When i started the course i felt i had lost myself, i had started to go through premiture menopause, i had put on weight and i suffer with anxiety and low moods. 

When our group met Emma on day one, i knew i had done the right thing, The friendly environment has helped us learn new things covering all topics that effect womens wellness and wellbeing, i have made changes to my lifestyle, i have made better food choices and most importantly i am now more mindful about how my body is feeling. 

I now exercise 4+ times a week, take supplements to help me with my hormones, i have reduced my anti depressants to half of the doseand have lost 9 pounds in weight! 

I would like to thank Emma and my group for the support and encouragement i have recieved, i would recommend the course to any women at any age who feel they have lost themselves, you wont regret it!”

Lisa aged 50 followed on by saying: 

“I started my 10 week journey with 5 other women, we met our amazing instructor Emma who explained about the course and what would be included, we started the first week of exercise and education. The exercise programme was amazing, Emma made it very clear that the exercises can be adapted either to a higher intensity or a lower intensity, as the weeks went by Emma increased the intensity without us even knowing! I have achieved more than i could have ever imagined in these 10 weeks and feel so much better in myself physically and mentally. 

I have made changes to my plate, for example i now have a pasta dish for my main meal, this allows me to be more full throughout the day and reduces me eating snacks and food i don’t need, i have swapped choclate bars for carrots and humous. Portion sizes are not what i thought and i now have the correct knowledge going forward. i feel happier and healthier since completing the course and i would recommend the course to anyone, it is a life changer and i have learned so much about the mind and body. 

Amanda aged 42

When my friend Karen mentioned a 10 week wellness course to me I was at an all time low. I was filled with anxiety and on antidepressants to try and pull myself out the hole I was sinking in.I wanted to feel better and to start enjoying the small things again. So I said yes, as what’s the worst that could happen….as I felt so fed up as I was.It was quite scary walking in that first week but I soon realised we were all in the same boat in wanting change and healing. We all got to know each other quite quickly and I can honestly say I would be gutted if I didn’t see any of them again.I was gutted to miss a few weeks due to covid but as soon as I could I got back to group and spent time working on me and what I needed.With Emma’s support and guidance I was able to give myself a break and learn to understand why I maybe feeling overwhelmed at times and how what we eat can also impact how we feel.I can honestly say it has changed me for the better and on the plus side I have lost over a stone in the process.Whilst I know mental health is an ongoing thing, I now feel I’m going in the right direction for the first time. If anyone is feeling they are ready for a change but not sure where to start then I would recommend this course… not only do you find the support of like minded people you really do make friends for life.Val aged 49

‘I entered the first session of the Womens Wellness course with some trepidation. Stressed, depressed, having lost touch with my sense of self, unable and unwilling to take the self-care actions I knew I needed, but also with the hope that this 10 weeks may be able to help heal me…..  I met 11 other women who were all feeling similar emotions and concerns, strangers but all with a common desire for change.The welcome from Emma set us all at ease, no pressure, no expectation from her, just an openness and empathy towards us all, that allowed us to be honest about our fears and concerns. Over the course of 10 weeks, we have all been given the building blocks of a healthier lifestyle. The education, easy to comprehend and inspiring, covering health and wellbeing subjects new to us and long forgotten. The exercise, daunting at first but with encouragement from Emma, progression that can be seen and measured over the 10 weeks. All leading to the final week and the realisation that we have all made changes both physically and mentally that should be able to last a lifetime. It could sound trite to say the course changed me, but it has. Thanks to Emma I have gained an insight to myself that allows me to care for ‘me’ in a way I didn’t before. From home exercise to mental self-care to healthier eating – these are all the things I’m personally taking along with me, plus the bonus of a group of ladies who have bonded so deeply over 10 weeks, that we all want to attend the next course together too. My message to anyone else, Don’t think twice about signing up for this course. Do it. There is honestly nothing to lose and and everything to gain’.

If you would like to get involved in our next set of sessions that are starting on Monday 28th February 2022 use this link to book! – https://buytickets.at/saints/652259

please contact [email protected] for more information.

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