Students from Cowley International College have been partaking in Merseyside's Violence Reduction in recent weeks...
Cowley International college students have been taking part in the Merseyside Violence Reduction programme, delivered in partnership between SCDF and Martin Murrays Think Fast Academy!
Each week the pupils have taken part in life skills sessions learning about self-talk, positive thinking and decision making. Next some exercise either in the gym with Martin Murray and his team, or at the stadium learning some rugby skills from ex saints Matty Smith and Gary Wheeler. To finish off a guest speaker would come and talk to the students regarding all aspects of street life in and around our community. Yesterday was the turn of Merseyside Police, who were speaking about County Lines and how children and vulnerable people can be duped into working for gangs. Some excellent advice on diversional tactics and alternative choices.
Steve Leonard Foundation Director stated: “This is a very important piece of work which is vital in our community. Only a few weeks ago saw another incident with knives on our streets and the fact that we have two major cities on our doorstep means that our children are easily in reach of unscrupulous people wishing to exploit them.”
“Thanks to the Merseyside Violence reduction programme for funding this partnership as we know it is having an effect. The blend between the Saints Foundation and Think Fast academy helps to show the children that there are other choices. Having three role models around them in Martin Murray, Matty Smith and Gary Wheeler who have come from similar backgrounds and have their own story to tell them, having the right impact. We have delivered this programme to both Cowley International college and Sutton Academy to date and would love the opportunity to get the message spread all over our Community.”