Ticket Hotline Details for Membership Renewals

The Club's dedicated ticketing hotline is again active on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for all 2021 Membership queries and renewals...

This service is available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 10am-3pm by calling 01744 455052 (until further notice)

Please be aware this is a limited service so please be patient if your call isn’t answered immediately.

In light of the latest Government restrictions, please DO NOT attend the Totally Wicked Stadium in person as the Ticket Office is closed to the public.

In addition to this, Members can send any queries regarding their Membership renewal to our Ticket Office email address – [email protected]

Our Membership Renewal window currently penciled in for the end of February, will also be extended into March in line with the beginning of the season.



Donating Members can renew their Membership online by logging into their ticketing account here. The online renewal option does not include any availability to amend bookings, add or remove members or to move seats or stands. Please only renew online if your booking remains identical to 2020.

If you are having issues with your online account please email – [email protected] with your query.


Refunding Members must renew via the Ticket Office line, your reservation will not appear in your online account due to your booking having been refunded. Please be reassured your 2021 reservation is secure.


2020 Members who chose to CREDIT must contact the Ticket Office to confirm their crediting value and to renew. Attempting to renew online will result in your Crediting value not being deducted and your renewal being the incorrect price. CREDITING Members can also access the Direct Debit plan but must do this via the Ticket Office to confirm their Crediting value to be deducting from their Renewal price.

For ANY renewal involving a DIRECT DEBIT plan please renew via the Ticket Office in the first instance. Once you have contacted us you can download the direct debit form here

Then complete it and send it to us at the below address:

Ticket Office
St.Helens R.F.C.
Totally Wicked Stadium
McManus Drive
St Helens

All information relating to 2021 Membership Renewals including benefits, prices and more can be found here.

With stadium capacity likely to be restricted for the start of the season, we are prioritising our existing Members, those looking to become a new Member for 2021, can email an expression of interest that we will keep on record and we will look to open sales to those who register, once we have more confirmed information closer to the season starting around the likely stadium capacity limits.

To do this please email: [email protected] with your Name & Contact details including phone and email address.

Thank you to again to all of our Members and fans for your continued support of our great Club in these testing times for all.

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